Listing Format: | Auction |
Current price : | $25.00 |
Starting bid: | $25.00 |
# of bids: | 1 |
Closes: | Auction is closed |
Location: | Indiana, United States |
Started: | 4/22/2024 12:00:00 PM |
Ended: | 4/26/2024 12:00:00 PM |
Seller: |
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High Bidder(s): | rgbmsmith |
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$50.00 Gift Card to Brian's Surplus. Brian's Surplus has been in business since 2002. They offer a variety of products new & used, military and civilian. We offer military clothing and equipment, firearm clips and magazines, ammunition and reloading equipment and components. Genuine U.S. Military issue clothing and equipment. 5925 E 00 NS, Greentown, IN. 765-628-3196. *No cash back, no cash value. May be combined. Expires 10/31/24.
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